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Comment distinguer l’enfant de son jeu ? Actif, il devient lui-même l’objet de son jeu : pirate, pompier, maman.  Pensif, qui est-il ? Se projette-t-il dans une autre enveloppe charnelle, dans un jeu imaginaire ? Quelle conscience a -t-il de sa condition, de sa place dans le monde, de sa destinée ? Face à sa photo, saurait-il répondre à ces questions ? Se souviendrait-il de ce moment unique capturé au milieu d’un million d’autres ?

How to distinguish the child from his game? Active, he becomes himself the object of his game: pirate, fireman, mother.  Thinking, who is he? Does he project himself into another carnal envelope, into an imaginary game? What awareness does he have of his condition, of his place in the world, of his destiny? Facing his photo, would he know how to answer these questions? Would he remember this unique moment captured in the middle of a million others?

@Copyright Hervé Pezzini Photographies

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