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Ces personnes âgées, comment deviner qui elles étaient plus jeunes ? Ont-elles eu une enfance heureuse ou, au contraire, malmenée ? Etaient-elles sveltes, nonchalantes ? Etaient-elles timides ou téméraires ? Qu’en reste-t-il sur leurs visages, leur corps, leur posture qui me sont devenus familiers ? Malgré tout, transparaissent toujours une certaine sagesse et sérénité, inspirantes.

These strangers who practice their profession in full view of everyone give us the opportunity to discover gestures and postures that they will repeat for years, or even a whole career. These anodyne gestures become significant, meaningful, captured by the camera. Some of these workers are hoping for the influx of people in front of their store, their stall. They hope, they look for contact, others, especially cleaners, suffer rather the crowd that hinders them, even produces more and more waste. These men and women, discreet, melt into the background.

@Copyright Hervé Pezzini Photographies

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